About Us


Far Post Soccer was founded in 2001 to provide high-quality soccer training to players and teams.  Far post for the past two decades has developed players from recreational level to the US national team. Far Post Soccer is currently involved with the following organizations

PDA- Players Development Academy

www.pdasoccer.org 1 Upper Pond Road, Somerset NJ

TSANJ- The Soccer Academy Of New Jersey
TSANJ www.thesocceracademy.nj.com Heritage Park 200 Vliet Farm Road, Asbury NJ 08802
All teams are professionally trained and game day coached.
2010 Harriers Head Coach Brittney Votek
2009 Kestrels Head Coach Jason Beech
2008 Falcons Head Coach Jason Beech
2008 Osprey Head Coach Brittney Votek
2006 Hawks Head Coach Jason Beech/ Tyler Tompkins

BHYSC-Berkeley Heights Youth Soccer Club

Berkeley Heights Youth Soccer Club www.bhysc.com 240 Snyder Ave, Berkeley Heights NJ

In addition to training team. At Far Post we train groups, individuals and also offer year round camps and clinics.


Mick Smith
Owner/ Coaching Director
(908) 399 6401