Mick Smith – SPRING TECHNICAL PROGRAMS Mondays in Bridgewater and Fridays in Berkeley Heights
NEW MONDAYS- Bridgewater! Led by Mick Smith
FALL Program STARTING September
Sept 16,23,30 Oct 7th
LOCATION: Torpey Athletic Complex
202 Nimitz Street
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Youth Program (Boys and Girls Birth Years: 2015-2010)
Each class will be one hour in duration
2015s, 2014s, 2013s, 6.00-7.00
2012’s 2011s, 2010s, 7:00-8:00
*Please note, each one hour class is subject to change based on age, ability, and group size.
Registration Fee: $150
NEW Fridays – Berkeley Heights Led by Mick Smith
Fall Program STARTING September
Sept 13,20,27 Oct 4th
LOCATION: Snyder Field
240 Snyder Ave, Berkeley Heights NJ
- Youth Program (Boys and Girls Birth Years: 2015-2010)
4.30-6.30PM Each class will be one hour in duration
2015s, 2014s, 2013s, 4.30-5.30PM
2012’s 2011s, 2010s, 5.30-6.30PM
Online Registration: Youth Program: farpostsoccer.us
*Please note there is a 2% convenience charge attached to all online registration payments. There is no convenience charge for Venmo payments or payment by check..
VENMO Payment: We are offering Venmo payment option. Please Venmo payment to @Michael-Smith-1182. Please also go to the above waiver link to fill out waiver information.
Waiver Form: Please click the link Far Post Soccer Waiver and fill out waiver information.